power amp for a reverb tank

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power amp for a reverb tank

i just ripped out an old spring reverb tank from an amp and wanted to turn it in a standalone effect.
 I was thinking of just using the EHX LPB1 3 times in the circuit (one for the dry signal, one for before the the tank and one after), but i was wondering if anyone could help me out with a strip-board diagram of this nature? will this work just fine or am i missing something
I've got all the values and such for the tank and i can post if necessary
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Re: power amp for a reverb tank

I suspect that if you create a schematic of how you visualize this. Then it would easier for someone here to produce a vero (if possible) based on your technical drawing.

I'm assuming you are not just asking that someone create it for you from scratch based on an idea.
That would be kinda like asking someone to take the notes at school AND do the homework for you, if ya know what I mean
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: power amp for a reverb tank

yea i oughta not be so lazy haha thanks, is there a program or website where i can create a vero diagram like the ones on this site?