power scaling kit

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power scaling kit

I guess it's not technically a guitar effect, but it seems like a doable vero project that my neighbors would love me to build...

Schematics for the VVR design are here: http://revolutiondeux.blogspot.com/2012/06/voltage-scaling-in-amplifiers-power.html and a great explanation of how it works here: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwMWxzd7lEJ4Yk1kWl83VlVUdG8/edit

Any chance? Thanks!
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Re: power scaling kit

This circuit is extremely easy, and it's possible to vero it in about 45 seconds, but.... I'm afraid that installing this atenuator is risky, for both you and you amp.

If you don't install it right, at the best you're going to fry your amp, at worst, you can kill yourself with a 600 volts and a  bunch of amperes shock. Not a joke: tube amps can kill.

Better tell about it to a technician of your trust, that confirms you the kind of amp that you have, and how much he will charge in order to install it.

Better safe than dead.
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Re: power scaling kit

you got that right. i built my amp with a buddy of mine who's an audio engineer, so i think it's within our comfort zone (maybe his more than mine). a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing though, especially here..
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Re: power scaling kit

i should probably stick to fuzz pedals anyway :]
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Re: power scaling kit

Sorry mate, but i could not just suppose that someone asking for a 5 components vero,  has a tech sound friend and is able to build amps from scratch or would have no problem installing this module.

Is like if someone tells me "Hey, can you tell me how to drive a Ford? I  drive a Ferrari Enzo, so I think taht would be able to drive the Ford"
