random lfo questions re culturejam's shoot the moon.

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random lfo questions re culturejam's shoot the moon.

hey all,

have pretty much extracted the lfo section of this for use in something else i am working on but have got stuck on a point. am wondering if anyone who knows lfo can make a suggestion to get me out of the mud.

basically the onboard lfo led is on for too much of the time. i want the depth control to take it from off completely to on completely with half/half around the mid-point on the pot, at whatever speed rate is set. obviously the response on/off will be less marked at higher speeds as it has to ramp up and power down, but even at slower speeds it is never off enough for my intended purposes.
at present it's pretty much full on and barely fluctuating for about 80% of the pot travel.

have tried different value depth pots (given is 1k) but doesn't solve issue. if i jumper lug one of the depth pot to ground i do get the full on/off range i am after, but all the action is bunched in the last 15-20% of the pot. so it's the oppsite of the previous situation. off for most of the time.

what do i need to look at to reslove this?

apologies if this is a dunce level question. fuzzes i know a bit about but am brand new to lfo. wanting to get synthy and lfo is an essential block block to master to get into all that space invaders palaver.

thanks for any ideas.
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Re: random lfo questions re culturejam's shoot the moon.
