red rooster getting static on boost pot

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red rooster getting static on boost pot

Ok thanks to all that chimed in on my last post. the routing and shielding and twisting wires helped. i also replaced the carbon comp resistors with metal film. the last issue i have may be inherent as per the rg keen geofex rangemaster article. when i turn the boost knob there is some staitic and scratch not super bad bad noticeable  i switched pots no change i even built a second pedal for a friend same symptom.

 has anyone else had this? is it inherent the real dam red rooster doesnt do it in the videos i have watched. it cant be the pot i soldered super fast and didnt overheat it . .is this normal and if not what can a try or do to fix it! thank you all I have the fever and its fun. the only bad thing is i spend  more time building pedals than playing guitar lately ha ha.
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Re: red rooster getting static on boost pot

I seem to remember mine doing that and I think it's normal in treble booster circuits.
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Re: red rooster getting static on boost pot

As RG says, there's DC voltage across that pot. It will crackle. The crackle can be designed away, but not without changing the circuit topology, which may change the sound of the circuit.
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Re: red rooster getting static on boost pot

In reply to this post by strassercaster
The boost pot is not wired like a regular volume pot. It is biasing the transistor, and as induction said it has DC voltage across it. So crackling is normal
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Re: red rooster getting static on boost pot

Thank you all . Well that  makes me feel a lot better on the first one i thought I possibly overheated the pot changed it same thing ha ha. The second one got me thinking and I looked the Rg Keen nd read about the "QUIRK" just wonedering if there was a quick/easy fix. Thanks alot and I really appreciate it.You Guys Rock Ok so I do have a couple more questions. 6.66-7.2 recommended voltage .i had to install a 10k trimmer instead of a 5k to get there i couldnt get above 4.9v with out it. So my next question is the 68k reaistor should i change it to a higher or lower value? the keen article said to tailor both now i am wondering if i should play with the value on the 68k .Any thoughts or things to try? I am very happy but im in the honeymoon phase I am sure ha ha.What voltage did you guys settle on. I actually built 2 i have one at 6.66 and one at 7.2 they both sound good but a little different  i used 96hfe and 97hfe for transistors measured by the keep method . I really like the harmonic bloom on this circuit. I think i want to build the keeley Java next how do they compare?
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Re: red rooster getting static on boost pot

strassercaster wrote
Ok so I do have a couple more questions. 6.66-7.2 recommended voltage .i had to install a 10k trimmer instead of a 5k to get there i couldnt get above 4.9v with out it. So my next question is the 68k reaistor should i change it to a higher or lower value? the keen article said to tailor both now i am wondering if i should play with the value on the 68k .Any thoughts or things to try? I am very happy but im in the honeymoon phase I am sure ha ha.What voltage did you guys settle on. I actually built 2 i have one at 6.66 and one at 7.2 they both sound good but a little different  i used 96hfe and 97hfe for transistors measured by the keep method . I really like the harmonic bloom on this circuit. I think i want to build the keeley Java next how do they compare?
These are all good questions, but they are the sort of thing that you can really only answer yourself. It's hard to describe sonic differences in a way that translates accurately, so our descriptions won't be that much help. More importantly, we have different gear, tastes, and musical contexts than you, so you're much better off just trying it for yourself.

Fortunately that's easy to do. Now that you have satisfied your lust with some built pedals, get a breadboard and a handful of components and try all the variations on the circuit that you can think of. You can probably fit 5 different versions of the circuit on a single breadboard, then use a switch to toggle between them to hear the differences. Play with the bias, the input and output caps, the transistors, and anything else you can think of. Try different RC values on the power supply if you can hear the background noise start to increase. Reverse the collector and emitter of the transistor and see what happens.

It's a lot of fun, and you'll learn way more from swapping parts on a breadboard than from building whole circuits one at a time and comparing them. Plus it's cheap (assuming you avoid Radio Shack and suchlike). The components for this circuit cost way less than a single enclosure on eBay or at a surplus shop. Breadboards are very cheap, too, and they will totally change the game for you.

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Re: red rooster getting static on boost pot

Thanks induction I know your right about the sky de and the tone opinions but I like to weigh others thought and wisdom as well. I have never done any sort of bread board expirimenting . I am a noob that can read a schematic from years of doing pinball repair but still not sure about build and design. The projects I have built have been 3 PCB Klon madbean sunkings and a tonebender that's on hold.

  The whole reason I wanted to build was to put the pinball machine electronics knowledge to good use. That being said your right the next step is breadboarding . So far what I am doing is reAlly paint by numbers . However I am putting caps and resistors on switches to get modded sounds. This is the best part besides building from scratch. So thanks you just reminded me of the main reason I am doing this . That is to be able to put a schematic I to reality . Tagboard are just a little more comes paint by numbers probably why my next stop was here after the PCB buds. I see there is a tag layout for the Klon now. I don't think I want to do something with that many compo sket on strip board yet but definitly will in the next few months.

  The lust for knowledge and tone is very strong and it's taking a heVy toll on my guitar playing time but it must be done ha ha. Thanks
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Re: red rooster getting static on boost pot

Wow I am not a grammar retard or that bad of a speller . I have huge ha ez and a small phone not to mention riding in a car at the moment anyway thank you ode to the spell check for making me look stupid ha ha