resistor question

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resistor question

so i only have one 1/4 watt 100 ohm resistor left and the build I'm on takes two.  I have some 1 watt resistors from a build that required them.  If I put on of these gigantic things on there will it change the tone or make it not work?  Not sure how that works at all.  Thanks
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Re: resistor question

Silver Blues
If you can fit it onto the board there's no reason you shouldn't use it. Power rating has zero effect whatsoever on the tone or functionality. It's not like there's ever going to be anywhere near 1W of power across the thing anyway lol.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: resistor question

Thanks for the quick reply.  I just didn't know if it was the same idea as an under powered speaker.  
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Re: resistor question

In reply to this post by Silver Blues
Where are the 100 ohm resistors used?  Often you can use a resistor which is close in value and not affect the tone, especially if it's not directly in the audio signal path.

For one of my builds I needed twp 10K metal film resistors for a voltage divider to get a 4.5v reference voltage in a circuit.  I didn't have two 10Ks so I used two 11Ks instead.  The resulting reference voltage is unaffected as long as the two values are equal - only the current is very slightly altered (and not to any extent which affects the circuit's operation).
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Re: resistor question

Agreed with all that a as said already. The same goes for caps. I use polys that have a voltage rating of 63V and electrolytics that are rated at 35-100V. The power rating tells you how much the part will take before it dies/explodes, electrolytics explode btw.
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Re: resistor question

Silver Blues
Yes they do, and spectacularly so. Tants explode too, although it's less of an explosion and more of a mini-fireball.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: resistor question

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Re: resistor question

Silver Blues
Ask and ye shall receive
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: resistor question

I know I shouldn't say this, but that's awesome. I wouldn't want that to happen in one of my effects, but that's pretty crazy.
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Re: resistor question

Silver Blues
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: resistor question

That was great. Didn't know they're flammable like that.

What was awesome though was the dude in the related videos that's destroying shit with a super capacitor. He charges it up with 2V and it's pretty crazy. Then at 10V it's vaporizing metal :0
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Re: resistor question

I had no idea these things could blow like that.  I watched a video of am electrolytic after the tantalum, that's some quality entertainment!   There was plenty of room on the board for the 1w so I put it on, I had a 120 ohm I would have used if I would've had to, but this worked.  It just looks a little lopsided
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Re: resistor question

In reply to this post by rocket88
Tantalums stink so damn bad when they blow.  Just nasty.