schematics to vero - interesting link

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schematics to vero - interesting link

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Re: schematics to vero - interesting link

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Re: schematics to vero - interesting link

In reply to this post by boratto
This made me very angry.

Schematic I entered:

What it spit out:

I think this is one of those "If you understand it then you don't need it" type of things.  Conversely "if you need this, you probably will not understand it."
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Re: schematics to vero - interesting link

Oh I don't know, I've done worse
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Re: schematics to vero - interesting link

I'll tell you all about worse...

Last night I had just finished the hard parts of finally boxing my Rick Holt Vibracaster (easy to build, pain in the ass to box) and had all of my shit out.. dremel plugged in, drill charge base plugged in, soldering station plugged in, parts boxes sitting out, little bits of wire snippets all over, little clipped component leads, aluminum shavings.. just grotesque.  I was ready to clean up and well past ready to go to sleep.

I put the pedal aside, stepped back, and then fetched a diet coke to celebrate before clean up.

I sat down, took one good drink, set it in front of me and began cleaning up.  I reached over to put my soldering station aside, came back and caught that diet coke with my elbow.  

It was like something out of a cartoon.  It was almost full, so it had some weight to it and I could see trails of brown liquid swirling out the top of it as I fumbled to intercept.  After batting it about like some Special Olympics competition, I managed to accidentally do a Pele kick and shot it underneath my desk.  I managed to shower my pedal and tools with soda, turn my desk top into a soup of soda and tiny bits and pieces of refuse, soak my legs/carpet/keyboard/mouse/papers/etc, and finally deluge my powerstrip, drill base, etc in a grand display of Liquid vs. Electricity.

Oh, yeah, and this was at 2:30am.
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Re: schematics to vero - interesting link

oh man heath that's hilarious and horrible at the same time. i had something similar happen to me, but it was a pint of stone beer that fell, and when i went to catch it and pull my pedal out of the way, my chair kicked out from under me causing me to fall bringing the beer, pedal, and tools to the ground with me. some how i still enjoy a beer while building, but now i keep it on its own little table next to me.
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Re: schematics to vero - interesting link

rocket88 wrote
some how i still enjoy a beer while building, but now i keep it on its own little table next to me.
You gotta designate the areas, dude!
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Re: schematics to vero - interesting link

In reply to this post by Heath
Yeah we`ve all had days like that I guess. I put my booboos in 3 categories, 3, feckin stupid, 2, feckin painful and 1, feckin tragic. my toppers are  

3, spending over 3 hours trying to debug a barber dirty bomb build that just had next to no gain only to realise that the guitar I was using had the volume turned down DUUUUUUUUUUH.

2, If you drop your soldering iron  NEVER try and catch it, let the bstard fall

1, this 1 still makes me cry even thinking about it, when you`ve finished etching some pcb`s and you wipe of the toner with an acetone soaked rag you most definitely do not want to go to the loo and come back to find your 10 year old grandson happily using said rag to "polish" your coveted Rickenbacker 330
If it wasn't for this website I would definitely have a life.
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Re: schematics to vero - interesting link

oh man dexxyy that last one made me cry. hope about trying to debug a build that you get no sound or anything out of it only to realize after spending 2hrs debugging you forgot to put in the IC's or transistors. that one makes me feel like a freaking moron when it happens.