selector switch for choosing effects

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selector switch for choosing effects


I've been scratching my head so hard on this...  your inputs/ideas would be of great help!:

I've been using 2 poles rotary switches to select between different effects (say you want to have a "dirt" pedal and want to chose between boost/OD/distorsion and fuzz): one of the poles in the input the other, the output and you connect the inputs/outputs of each circuit for each position

works great, but I've had "bleed" issues so I'd like to be able to ground the input of the circuits that are not in use... but can't figure it out...

any suggestion would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: selector switch for choosing effects

Neil mcNasty
Then you will need a third pole on the switch for ground, and then run wires from each of the lugs to all the unused inputs.
A whole lot of extra wires, and very easy to get wrong, if you do not plan/lay it out properly...

If you only have 2 pole switches:
(Maybe not the best idea, but it could work)
Tie all the outputs together (via summing resistors to avoid interference between them), and then use the lugs previously used for outputs, for the ground connection...
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Re: selector switch for choosing effects

hey neil,

thanks for your reply

i had exactly the same idea, but, that would "tie" the inputs together whatever the switch position would be... say, (for a 4 position 3 pole rotary switch) in position 1 inputs of circuits 2,3 and 4 are grounded and in poistion 2, inputs 1, 3 and 4 are grounded but, even if not connected to ground, inputs 2,3 and 4 are still tied together and thus, every input is grounded all the time...

am I right?