I bought a shitload of these dirt cheap on ebay. Unfortunately, it was quite a while ago & I can't remember the seller or any other details sorry, but it was only around £5 for 200 & that included P&P. If you search for 'self adhesive foot' or google for 'bumpon', you may find something a little more wallet friendly! Have your enclosures arrived yet Frederik?
It's better to have it & not need it, than to need it & not have it!
I bought these in december and I'm almost out of them and I'm definitely gonna buy them again. They're perfect. Good adhesive and they grip really well! £15 for 500 of them is 3p each.
I'm just throwing out ideas, but what about a tube of clear bathroom silicone caulking? a little blob of that per corner, then let it dry, and you have clear/white/black/etc soft plastic feet? I'm imagining you can goop with it too, if you're into that sort of thing.
These are just like the ones I use and purchase at a chinese bazar close to my home. I'ts 75 cents x 35 pcs, not a bad price at all...and I get it in 5 minutes. Maybe should I export'em?? :P