stereo daughterboard for EHX Small Clone

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stereo daughterboard for EHX Small Clone

. well i spent almost 8 hours building and troubleshooting this one. i found the schematic at tonepad and it helped me discover a couple of issues i had to fix to get it up and running
I was very suprised to see they had a stereo mod for this build and i am very interested in trying to build it .I  still have trouble wrapping my brain around how to do a layout to be honest. i would greatly appreciate it if someone could knock this out for me sometime soon. I am sure a lot of people would like and use it as well. It is pretty small and i guess i could just copy it on perfboard and link everything up but i am in no hurry and would prefer to have a vero layout due to size constraints.

thanks in advance if anyone can help me out. This site has changed my life. i ahve a wife and three kids and cant afford to spend a lot of money on vintage and boutique pedals . i do have 9pm till midnight a few nights a week to build these incredible layouts though and thanks to tayda and ebay i can build 5 or 10 pedals for the cost of 1 store bought pedal or 20 -30 pedals for the cost of one klon or univibe ect. thanks in advance
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Re: stereo daughterboard for EHX Small Clone

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If you've used Mark's layout, I think this is where you are supposed to connect it:
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Re: stereo daughterboard for EHX Small Clone

wow thats awesome Alex80 i really appreciate your time and effort. thank you and i will pay it forward.
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Re: stereo daughterboard for EHX Small Clone

No problem at all.
Just glad to help!
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Re: stereo daughterboard for EHX Small Clone

In reply to this post by Alex
does anyone here happen to know if this stereo daughter board could be tacked-in to similar eh modulation effects? am thinking small stone in particular which is my favourite phaser.

have just bought a cheap stereo-pan tremolo and it has given me a taste of the potential for stereo modulation and seeing this made me think. or try, but am not that circuit smart yet to be able to work it out for myself.

would be interested to hear what wiser heads than me think about 'stereo-fying' vintage modulation effects?
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Re: stereo daughterboard for EHX Small Clone

sorry i dont think so. it has to match the other circuit notice how this is identical to the original opamp section
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Re: stereo daughterboard for EHX Small Clone

thanks for the evaluation stassercaster. am totally new to stereo effects so without doubt offbeam re practicalities.
maybe time to think about getting or building a stereo-phaser. am into that doppler thing atm.