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Re: Show your pedal guts!

Posted by Travis on Sep 03, 2014; 3:39am
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Show-your-pedal-guts-tp8569p12907.html

 photo 7F52F9B4-B494-4B43-9C78-6E4F824F4C3E_zps1bahuebo.jpg

Sorry this is a bad pic, I'll take better ones before I set this free tomorrow.

This is a BC108 fuzz face. Pretty much all standard except for a 470Ω instead of 330Ω and a 470pf b-c cap hidden under Q1. Also reverse log 1K fuzz pot

Normally I'd like to have matching resistors but these are all different types from a resistor stash that my girlfriend got me <3

Sounds awesome of course!