Re: Show your pedal guts!
Posted by
Travis on
Sep 24, 2014; 3:29am

Lovetone Meatball <3
This pedal is amazing. At first I was confused because the controls seemed to have a lot of dead spots, but I tried a couple different LDRs and found a pair that work perfectly.
The effects loop really makes this circuit killer. Paired with my modded OC-2 (synth mod which sounds like a dirty lofi monophonic analog synth) it starts to get pretty funky. If I add my VB-2 clone that's even more like a rudimentary analog synth.
It sounds so cool on it's own, but I love that the loop lets you combine it with anything
Oh yeah you might notice one of the jacks isn't wired to anything. That's for the expression, I just had to decide which knob I wanted exp control over, and the winner is intensity which will give you normal wah pedal control with an exp pedal