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Re: Show your pedal guts!

Posted by johnk on Oct 18, 2014; 6:14pm
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Show-your-pedal-guts-tp8569p14476.html

Travis wrote
Great job, John! That's quite a lot to stuff in a 1590b

Did you use the schem/PCB layout from Crowella at diysb? What transistors did you use?
I drew up my own PCB for it since Crowella's was HUGE. (more than twice as big). his PCB is a clone of the original split PCB.

for the transistors, I used an NTE102A(PNP) & NTE103A(NPN) for the germs and 2N2240's for the BJT's.