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Re: Quad 34/Diamond Tilt Control

Posted by negativefx on Nov 02, 2014; 6:06pm
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Quad-34-Diamond-Tilt-Control-tp8433p14948.html

Resurrecting this thread for a quick question...

What's a good center freq for Guitar?  Bass?  How about a Bass VI tuned to E standard one octave below guitar / one octave above bass?

I'm going to build one of these tilt EQs for my Bass VI board and I'd like to set it up so I can switch between bass/guitar/vi.


Edit:  I'm going to take a stab and say 107Hz, 229Hz, and 420Hz? (47n, 22n, and 12n)?  Looks like a pair of DPDT on-off-ons with 12n in the middle, 10n on top, and 35n (thank science for 10% tolerance on a 33n!) on bottom.