Re: Marshall Tonestack w/LPB1
Posted by motterpaul on Mar 17, 2015; 6:11am
This is cool Chris, I congratulate you for doing this. I would try to verify it if I had a soldering iron, but Amazon did not deliver today.
I have been really interested in this exact project, because like you I liked the BMP with LPB1 circuit a lot. This is a great way to learn how to do the tone stacks.
I saw Rocket was talking about having a boost in front of this as well. I tried the LPB1 (BMP) after a lot of boosts and it does work really well, so if you add some kind of a gain circuit in front of this you could have your own gain circuit, with a Marshall tone stack, and a recovery phase. That's the whole deal right there.
Keep up the good work, and when this gets verified I suggest they put it in the editorial area, because that section is getting pretty quiet. It's too bad, too, because there are a lot of new pedals out there that it would be just great to be able to try out. If I was experienced enough to do the layouts I would, but I get frustrated just dealing with the DIY layout software.
Maybe you could give us a tutorial on how you got this to look so good. Which version did you use?