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Re: Marshall Tonestack w/LPB1

Posted by motterpaul on Mar 17, 2015; 4:19pm
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Marshall-Tonestack-w-LPB1-Trim-or-Pot-tp18640p18658.html

I do understand how it works. I said "so if you add some kind of a gain circuit in front of this you could have your own gain circuit, with a Marshall tone stack, and a recovery phase"

I said "boost" but I think it is just that my personal lexicon is not always accurate for pedal builders because I have been using the same words when talking about other topics like pro audio for so long.

So, sometimes,  when I say "gain" or "boost" all I am thinking in my mind is the process of adding dBm to a circuit. I forget I am speaking to people who are expecting pure pedal building terminology.

Not trying to make excuses - just clarifying why the things I say don't always make sense in the context of this particular forum. I started in pro audio 40 years ago, but just started building pedals last year. It's hard to break old habits.