Re: Marshall Tonestack w/LPB1
Posted by
rocket88 on
Mar 17, 2015; 4:54pm
Never said you don't understand, just pointing you to an example the depicts what I'm saying. Don't have such a complex that you're being spoken down too. You asked a question I answered and pointed you in a direction to help you. I could have easily ignored your question, but I wanted to help you and be supportive. All you have to say is "thanks" or "thank you for the help, I appreciate it." I help whoever I can, but I won't go out of my way if it's not wanted or appreciated. If you don't want help from me don't ask, and I will make sure I won't answer your questions then.
Btw, it really doesn't matter what your background is when doing this stuff, but it's important to get the terminology down. This allows all of us to communicate effectively and understand what each other is saying. So you may mean one thing, but in the language of electronics it means something completely different. Then people get angry, and annoyed because no on understands what they mean.
For instance, I am involved in science, and as a scientist there's specific terms and phrases I need to know to communicate effectively and clearly, otherwise shit gets fucked up. Example, the Mars rover that basically buried itself because the hight was measured in feet, but programmed in meters. So when it was measured as like 150ft, the rover went down 150m. So that was a few billion dollars lost, but here it's just so we can understand each other. Just something to keep in mind.