looking for a HT8950 or two?.. looking for a few things myself, trade/trade+cash/cash on my end possible
Posted by notnews on May 09, 2016; 2:54pm
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/looking-for-a-HT8950-or-two-looking-for-a-few-things-myself-trade-trade-cash-cash-on-my-end-possible-tp30442.html
Hey all,
I've got one (or two, maybe) HT8950s for trade. Tayda, Mouser, and a lot of other component sites don't sell this discontinued chip. I grabbed a few off eBay for 3 bucks a piece when I was building the DBA Robot. I used another building a different 8-bit pitch-shifting synthy thing I worked up... but I have one or two left I'd like to part with in trade for a few things I'm looking for. If you're looking to build a DBA Robot, or an 8-bit/fuzz/vibrato/pitch-shifter/vocoder circuit in general, the HT8950 has a unique voice... and it's capable of things beyond the DBA Robot in case you're unfamiliar with that circuit. This IC is pretty useful when working in this particular realm.
Here's what I'm looking for (with the QTY I'm after in paren)... it would be great to get 3 bucks worth of stuff in return, but if you're interested leave a reply or shoot me a message:
MC33172p (1)
XR2206p (1)
TLC27M4AiN (1)
LM358 (1)
4040 (1)
4046 (2)
4069 (2)
4015 (1)
4046 (1)
2SK170 (1)
BC560C (1)
I have the HT8950's available to trade, but could also throw in some cash if anyone has any of these and isn't interested in my HT's.
Thanks for your consideration! Hope everyone is well.