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Finally did it.

Posted by rocket88 on Jul 17, 2016; 4:46am
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Finally-did-it-tp32066.html

Well the past 3 weeks have been rather crazy. I got married, traveled cross the USA with my new wife, and after having major GAS for the last 15yrs for a rickenbacker I finally took the plung. I nearly bought one in Austin, TX but something didn't feel right about it. Came home walked into a local guitar store and they had a walnut 4003 on the wall, which I wasn't really looking for I always wanted a ruby or jetglo (black). When I played it, it was perfect. The feel, the tone was like no other rick I played, so open and sustain like a mother fucker.

Came home, didn't think I would grab it and the Mrs tells me to get it, cause this is the 2nd rick to cross my path in 3 weeks when I've been looking for a few years for one, so it must be a sign. I got the store to take off about $300 and through in a setup, so I grabbed her. Come to find out there's not a lot of walnut ones that were/are made and the new ones lack binding and a few other things.

Anyways, here she is.