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Re: Implementing Baby 8 sequencer to Maestro FSH filter or any other 13700 filter

Posted by kuzieem on Nov 10, 2017; 6:00am
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Implementing-Baby-8-sequencer-to-Maestro-FSH-filter-or-any-other-13700-filter-tp40473p40489.html

Thanks. I hoped I could build the filter that worked either ways- controlled by Baby8 sequencer and regular envelope filtwr (autowah).. How about using an Led/LDR hooked to cv out and plugged to FSH filter pot? Don't see  reason why wouldn't it work..

10.11.2017 12:35 AM "clockman [via Guitar FX Layouts]" <[hidden email]> napisał(a):
Agreed. reworking the Maestro FSH to accept control voltage from the baby 8 would be difficult.

There are two layouts  on the forum that use the LM13700 chip and already have CV IN capability.
 the Wasp filter and the Korg MS20. be sure to read the build notes and comments



I have built the first and tried the baby 8 with it.  I have not yet built the second.
For a similar effect one could also build the Tapanator wah and use the baby 8 to drive it instead of the tapanator.

  Happy building!

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