Re: Different Muffs... Revelation Style
Posted by squirrels on Nov 18, 2017; 3:55am
I literally just finished tweaking your Superlead layout to accommodate the Violet Ram’s Head. I’ll give it a shot over the weekend. Both the Superbass and Superlead work very well with my OR15 so I’d love to see if a different Muff done like the Revelation would get me more of a traditional Muff tone with a dirty amp. It seems like the overall amount of gain in the Muff and the tone stack fight back through the OR, so I’m guessing that cutting a gain stage out and removing the tone stack may work. I have plenty of gain available with the OR but I like running the gain around half way and use pedals for different kinds of dirt. It’s a picky amp but I’ve got a few that work pretty well. I also have a Vox AC10 that I use with my pedals but I still gravitate more to my Orange. I’ll post my results when/if I can get it done.