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Re: Different Muffs... Revelation Style

Posted by squirrels on Nov 23, 2017; 11:04pm
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Different-Muffs-Revelation-Style-tp40589p40696.html

Tweaked the Superlead layout using the Swollen Pickle schematic. I left the 100r resistor on the emitter of Q3 like the Revelations use (the LSTR and Pharaoh use other values). Plugged into my OR15 it gave me the tone I was hoping for, Muff-ish through a dirty amp. I changed Q1 to a MPSA18 like the Superbass used for a little more oomph. I also have an MPQ3904 so I was thinking of making a daughter board for it considering that I felt the MPQ sounded better than the BJTs in the Swollen Pickle. I’ll post the changes I made later on. Thanks for the layout Zach.