Re: My seek wah: Maestro FSH with Baby8 sequencer and LFOs.
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kuzieem on
Nov 28, 2017; 8:12pm
The Baby8 CV output is wired to the 1-16 pins of lm13700 with 1M pot in series. This pot is also wired parallel (with toggle switch) with LDR. The LDR is driven by LFO (slowed down) LED. This gives a fantastic slow sweep to the sample&hold effect.
Another, independent LFO is also wired to lm13700 1-16 pins. It is selectable by the second toggle switch (select between BABY8 and this second LFO). The way the second 0LFO is connected is: one lug of LDR goes to 9V+, the other one goes through 500K pot to 1-16 pins of lm13700. You can either use one toggle switched LFO with Baby8 option or the other LFO without the Baby8- just with filter. This Wil give you autowah wave effect.
I know it sounds complicated, but you can experoment and do the switching Your way. The main idea is how the lm13700 interact with the voltage you send to it through variable resistors/LDRs.
Good luck!