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Wampler Hot Wired V.1 Revisited

Posted by music6000 on Nov 29, 2017; 9:26am
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Wampler-Hot-Wired-V-1-Revisited-tp40748.html

  I wasn't happy with the 3 way Fat switch on Drive A. It was hard to pick the difference.
I revisited the Schematic & Sketch's & noticed that the Resistor coming from Switch 1-2 to Diode Clipping
was a different value.
The Layout shows a 10k Resistor,The schematic shows a 1k Resistor.
I made the change and it basically opens the Overdrive up and takes the Bass frequencies down quite a notch.
The 3 way Fat switch is now quite significant in all 3 positions and an important part of the pedal to match your Guitar & Amp

As Always, Thanks Alex for making the Layout available!

Thankyou GrooveChampion for the Split 'n' Blend link, I used Fairchild 2N5458's.
Works as described!

Can someone confirm with Alex, I sent an email to him but I don't know Time Difference's
I'm from the Land Down Under

Cheers music6000