Re: Really Cheap Compressor. New with LDR + compression led indicator
Posted by Ciaran Haslett on Nov 29, 2017; 8:40pm
The problem with "home rolled" vactrols (a separate LDR and LED heatshrinked together) is that it opens up the number of variables that can introduce problems. The specific LDR specs, the amount of light from the LED, the LED beam angle, the ambient light isolation etc etc. That's why its always best to get as much variety as you can when ordering these kind of parts.
I wouldn't heat shrink until AFTER I've tested a combination...either with some electrical tape or simply in a dark room with a box or something over the whole build. When I've found a combination I'm happy with...then I heat shrink it move on.
As for the compression indicator...just add another LED in parallel with one of the 2 on the board. You may need to add a small value resistor in series with this new LED to isolate it from the others but as they are rectifying the guitar signal I don't think that's necessary.
Good luck