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Blackfinger Compressor or general troubleshooting question

Posted by sonicsunspot on Dec 01, 2017; 7:29pm
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Blackfinger-Compressor-or-general-troubleshooting-question-tp40791.html

Blackfinger Compressor
Has anyone out there built this one???
symptom:  pass-thru is nice and clean.  Powered gets very weak output, barely audible but stronger on note attack if I pluck hard. Pots seem to change volume, tone and sustain (weak output but I can still hear a change that seems appropriate).
This was my fifth pedal build.  I have verified or double-checked all connections, all solder joints and all off board wiring.  Swapped ICs and few other components to see if that helped.  Next step is to go component by component for accuracy.  I am curious if anyone else has encountered symptoms like these and if it points to aby particular type of bad component.  I suppose I am looking for a shortcut, but I am hopeful more experienced builders might have some thoughts.