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Re: Horror stories from people for whom you built pedals

Posted by Travis on Dec 02, 2017; 3:45pm
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Horror-stories-from-people-for-whom-you-built-pedals-tp40786p40800.html

One of the bassists from a band I was in wanted me to build him a pedal and wanted me to build it in a huge folded metal enclosure that we found at Fry’s (an electronics store). I put kindof a Meathead Dark esque thing in there and it sounded awesome

The guy took the term “stompbox” really literally and when we played our first gig with that pedal he stomped on the switch so hard that the whole enclosure collapsed and shorted out the circuit. In hindsight a couple wood blocks in the enclosure would have supported it but it would have been fine if he didn’t put all of his weight into it and it wasn’t an enclosure that I would have picked myself