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Re: Horror stories from people for whom you built pedals

Posted by Neil mcNasty on Dec 03, 2017; 12:08pm
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Horror-stories-from-people-for-whom-you-built-pedals-tp40786p40812.html

One of many incidents that made me stop building for any other than a professional/session musician who knows what he/she is looking for... (you know the ones that actually makes money from music...)

A guitar player comes to me asking for an Overdrive, because he can not find anything he likes in the store.
He likes the Red Llama, but it is too hot and does not have a tone control.
He likes the Blues Driver, but he does not like the tone control (removes too much bass)
He likes the Zendrive, except for "something"..., and so on...

So then I build 3 different modified/tweaked pedals for him to test out, based on his specifications/wishes.
After "testing" the pedals for about 3 months without giving me any feedback or response, I then tell him to give me a response, make his choice and return the pedals that he does not want/need.
He then returns all 3 pedals and tells me that he bought a Blues Driver instead, and that he does not need any of the pedals I built, because after changing his amp's settings, everything sounds sweet...

No respect for the fact that I've been building, tweaking and customising the pedals specially to suit his taste, not getting a dime for the effort, obviously expecting it to be free, since he did not "need" any of them... What a dick!!!
I was a bit more insecure and eager to please at the time, feeling a bit fresh, so I did not push him to pay up.
But, if this had happened today, I would be charging him for all the 3 pedals.
But this will not happen again!
Because most guitar players (and hippies) does not have any money.
So now I'm only building pedals for myself and professional musicians that earn a good living from it...