Re: Horror stories from people for whom you built pedals
Posted by Sensei Tim on Dec 03, 2017; 3:39pm
A few things:
First I built a rangemaster for someone with an integrated voltage inverter. He plugged it into a 12vac power adapter.
Next, some guy wanted a 2-to-1 mixer pedal. He’d only buy it is I could have it built by the end of October (over a
Month ago). He hasn’t replied to emails for at least 3 weeks now.
Last I had someone who wanted to commission a custom of pedal with custom graphics. I did a layout and everything with the graphics and then he disappeared. 6 months later I got an email from another builder in another part of the country saying that some guy asked him to make the same pedal but with my graphics.
Then there are all of the trolls who tell you your prices are too high and they can get the same pedal (with vintage spec parts!) off eBay for under $75 etc etc