Re: Horror stories from people for whom you built pedals
Posted by Marbles on Dec 03, 2017; 9:18pm
I have had the same (sort of) this week.
The guy was really nice and all, but like most: they read a fuzz face is 5 parts and think all builders are scammers.
He wanted to have a Josh Homme sound and learned he was using a PDF-2. But he thought 160 euros was way too much.
I hadn't heard of it, and found out that it was a modded maestro MDF (as far as I know). Seeing that layout here, I personally think 160 is a steal. I told him that too. And that if I would build it, it would not be that far off.
So he wanted something else. He asked for some options , checked various options (a lot of them also complex big builds) and finally we settled on the SFT.
I ordered some parts I did not have (dumb), and then he asked if I could make an invoice. So I did, part for part. Charged the minimum for my hours (since he is a friend of a good friend) and sent it to him.
He then asked if I could give him a list of the parts. His idea was that he would buy the parts through his company, so that it would be cheaper. My hours would be payed separately.
I reluctantly agreed. He would come back to me in 2 days.
Received a message after 2 days thanking me for my trouble, but that he decided that he could buy the PDF through his company as well, making it not that much more expensive than having me build something, and going for the PDF.
The guy was very nice and all, and obviously just not that informed about pedals, but man, I must admit I was feeling relieved not to go through with it.