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Re: Horror stories from people for whom you built pedals

Posted by Frank_NH on Dec 07, 2017; 3:17am
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Horror-stories-from-people-for-whom-you-built-pedals-tp40786p40857.html

I've had the good fortune of only building for myself!  

If I did sell anything, it would be something already constructed and strictly "what you see is what you get" - no returns for any reason (unless it was a defect in workmanship).

"Then there are all of the trolls who tell you your prices are too high and they can get the same pedal (with vintage spec parts!) off eBay for under $75 etc etc"

I would encourage the trolls to go ahead and build the pedals themselves, as it's really not that hard for simple circuits (especially a PCB build).  Fun, education, and TOAN!!  What's not to like?

Of course you need a good soldering iron + solder + a DVM for testing + electrical components + enclosures + labels + knobs + jacks + switches + hookup wire.  Oh, and a drill and appropriate bits.  Plus a good amount to time to do the construction and testing.  How much does that come too??  Hmmm...let me see...  probably under $30, like the Joyo pedals.  Right??

I must admit, though,  that if you're just building a tube screamer with no mods and average parts, I can get an reasonable quality EHX East River Drive for $40 used on eBay or Reverb.  In fact, I got one for repair for $20, needed a new footswitch, so not exactly a bargain.  But the funny thing is that the circuit is dead-on clone of a standard TS-9 tube screamer, yet reading the GearPage, the toan lovers there seemed to think it sounded "more open" than the Ibanez TS-9...[sigh]  So if you build, you should do it first and foremost because you enjoy it, and if you want to turn it into a business - great, but don't expect to get rich.

And on that note, I raise my glass and say cheers and happy holidays to us Boutique Pedal Builders!!