Re: Horror stories from people for whom you built pedals
Posted by
Muadzin on
Dec 07, 2017; 10:48pm
Sensei Tim wrote
People are used to Joyo/mooer/brand of the day from China that cost $30. They think that if a Chinese clone can be made for $30 then they shouldn’t need to pay a reasonable price.
So......, Yoyo and Mooer are to pedals what Napster and bittorrent have been to record sales?
It's logical though. When you had to fork out €80 to a €100 for a Boss or Ibanez pedal, paying 2x or 3x as much for a boutique pedal or custom build seems reasonable. When that price difference increase, it becomes less and less reasonable.
I wonder if they talk to their mechanic or plumber the same way lol
Depends on where you live. In Europe a glut of cheap East-European plumbers and other tradesmen has made life hard for their West-European counterparts. Or how about how webshops have hit physical stores? There's never been so many empty shop windows in city centers as there are today.
It used to be that competition was local, but now we're competing with basically the entire world. And its a race to the bottom. And the worst thing is, we're all doing it ourselves in one way or another, because we're all feeling the pinch in some way or another.