Re: Horror stories from people for whom you built pedals
Posted by
rocket88 on
Dec 09, 2017; 12:05am
There's truth in what you mention, but the thing is in reality it's not the same when it comes to a product. For instance, I can get a fender or gibson guitar for $800usd or I can get a cheap knockoff. Inevitably there's a significant difference in quality and care in its construction which is the reason for the price difference. The same can be had for different model lines from the same company like fender American, Mexican, Chinese, and squire.
The issue is that everyone is hurting due to the down economy and looking for things cheap. The same can be ahd for anything you buy. I know people that will buy a cheap car like Kia or Hyundai and say look all the stuff I get, it I'll cost me more to get that in say Chevrolet. But then complain that the screens aren't as good or it has to go to the shop 3x in the first 2 months of owning it. The thing is that you get what you pay for.