Re: Horror stories from people for whom you built pedals
Posted by
rocket88 on
Dec 09, 2017; 3:59am
There's always exceptions, case in point beats audio headphones, monster cables, name a product there's always over prices shit. The point I'm making is that you typically get what you pay for. Having something CNC made or build by robots gives consistency, but That does not equal quality or value. Example, high end car companies still have humans check the production done by robots. Handmade does not mean quality either if it's made by someone who didn't know what they're doing. With pedals for example, just cause you use X parts does not mean it will always sound the same. There's always value in skill, and skill always beats cheap production. Why buy a Rolex instead something that says Rolex on the side of the street. That may just by my opinion.
Not saying American made automatically means better. Yes Gibson in particular recently has been putting out a lot of shit from what people have been saying. When it comes to the guitar lines I mentioned, I prefer epiphone to Gibson cause I change out all the electronics anyways. With fender would sooner grab a Mexican to an American cause the American line changes the neck profile constantly, and the Mexican fits my hands better, plus I swap out the electronics normally. The only company I don't change parts on is G&L. Their lower cost line is the same as the American, electronics and all, but assembled in Indonesia, so you have no options other than what's offered, which is the reason it's cheaper.
The idea of joyo or next cheap pedal of the day being as good as something built with care and knowledge I think is rediculous. A knock off will always just that, a knockoff and a waste of money.