Use of a buffer
Posted by Marbles on Dec 10, 2017; 11:52am
Hey guys,
So , I'm building a SD9 and ran into some troubles. I built the bufferless one, since I heard people had results with it. I changed 1 value that was traced from an original, 10uf for the mentioned 22uf.
Since it was suggested in the notes to use a 220n, I did not expect it would be a problem. So.. It worked, but oscillation unbearable. Knifing it, changing IC, rebuilding: No dice.
So I thought: Let's try something else and placed a Boss Reverb in front of it, knowing that was buffered:
Presto, no squeeling.
Can anyone explain why not? :D I wanted to make it true bypass, but not looking forward to start again. Any other remedies for this?
Or is it best to just add like a Klon buffer in the enclosure and be done with it?