Amp questions: power amp, power supply, how to convert AC to DC
Posted by edo1123 on Jan 03, 2018; 1:55pm
I' m sorry for adding this thread without a proper research on the forum (I actually did it, but with not so good results).
I took a look at the "amp discovery" discussion and I saw these tpa amplifier and someone who built a real head with a Sunn preamp. I bought one of these board, but I don't get anywhere near the amount of volume I'd like to have, so I started making my researches for something that can put out at least 30watt. End up on tpa2009 and then on a project based in the tpa7040 (I don't remember if it's the right ic, but it's the Tiny Giant). This project requires 5A at 12V and should give 20watt.
What I thought was: could I use more of these to drive 3/4 speakers with only one preamp and four tiny giant (ore something based on some tpa ic)? If so how do I supply 5A to each board?
For the supply I know I should use a transformer and a rectifier, but since I'm a total newbie in amp building I decided to ask help to someone how knows something more.
I play bass and guitar just for fun so I don't need to tube amp or something super fancy (for now) also I don't have a huge budget so I'd like to spend more for speakers.
Hope someone will help me in my research.