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Re: My Resolution? Box all these circuits!

Posted by Muadzin on Jan 08, 2018; 12:07am
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/My-Resolution-Box-all-these-circuits-tp41178p41192.html

I never understood you guys with your huge collections full of unboxed circuits. I've never built an unboxed circuit. I never built anything for which I haven't got a ready enclosure. All to often I had the enclosures finished before I even started on the circuit itself. I never saw the reason to try the circuit before boxing (other then to see if they are working). Even if I didn't like the effect once its finished, at least I had fun making the whole thing, plus another pedal for my collection.

I do have a fail box full of boxed circuits that aren't working though.