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Re: PLL and Ringstinger

Posted by PMowdes on Jan 18, 2018; 9:22am
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/PLL-and-Ringstinger-tp41279p41350.html

I cant take credit for the Ludwig, that was something Dino did with RG Keen et al.  We just got the boards fabb'd.

As for the PLL it has been design for standard components. 16mm pots and solder lug switches etc

A word of warning though:  Boxing it is a bit of a bitch.  

I soldered the switches to the board but not the pots.  I drilled the enclosure and fitted all of the pots onto the board (BUT DO NOT SOLDER).  Fit the board + pots to the enclosure and tighten the nuts,  only then once all the pots were in place did I solder them.  LEDs I fitted last.

I don't want to teach you to suck eggs, I'm sure you have your methods but I was nearly in tears the first time I tried to box mine.

Dino suggested to me that I use solder lug pots and make my own "legs" with solid core wire, it works a treat and gives a little more flexibility than the right angle alpha pots.

Gimme a shout if you need any more help