Re: Really Cheap Compressor. New with LDR + compression led indicator
Posted by
nonost on
Feb 19, 2018; 8:03pm
Built it! Great compressor, it's addictive! The LDR 1M 5mm from Musikiding seems to work pretty nice. At first I tried a couple of bright green leds and it distorted and sounded awful. Even if both leds were pointing in the opposite directions to the LDR, it sounded bad. Then I swap the bright green led close to the LDR for a common green led and the result was the same. So I think I can say that you should take into account both leds, even if you use one of them as led indicator. At last I put two green leds and they are settled in.
BTW, for those who are planning to use Mark's layout, the sustain pot is wired backwards. As it goes clockwise you get less compression. In order to get more compression as the pot is turned clockwise, sustain 1&2 becomes sustain 2&3 and sustain 3 becomes sustain 1.
I've buit it with the bright mod posted here: used the little circuit posted by Boba7 above for the indicator led. The only problem I', having is the indicator led not blinking in both modes.
As others said, it distorts at high comp settings if the level/volume pot is set high as well. But it's not a problem since this compressor has a lot of volume IMO.