Re: Favorite tiny circuits? (what to do with leftover Vero pieces)
Posted by traktop on Feb 23, 2018; 7:17am
I have the nagaviper as a "more" pedal before other drives and worked just great with cranked amps.
Regarding the hyperion, adding a couple of cuts on the board and connecting a switch, you can make a silver crank, (33), and a switchable dark boost before it, which would make the hyperion.
I have the silver crank internally wired for always maximun pregain, as less than that made it to gated and barely usable with my single coils, (for gated fuzz I much prefer the US fuzz). This pedal alone worked great with the naga viper before it.
I´ve installed an output volume at the end of the dark boost as a "postgain" control. That way you can control "how much" of a dark boost you through in. There´s a lot of cool shades of gain inside that combo before you reach full blast.