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Re: Favorite tiny circuits? (what to do with leftover Vero pieces)

Posted by Fredrik Fencke on Feb 23, 2018; 5:35pm
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Favorite-tiny-circuits-what-to-do-with-leftover-Vero-pieces-tp41829p41883.html

Nice, that's how I use treble boosters too. On the board I gig with, I prefer a drive pedal with a relatively flat EQ in combination with a couple of different boosters to shape the tone. Right now, I'm using a Voodoo Labs Overdrive I built, with a treble booster before it to push it harder for more gain, and some kind of tube screamer (at the moment a Lovepedal Eternity Burst I built) after it for a solo boost. I'm definitely looking in to the Naga Viper!