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Re: Clear coat a semi mirror finish enclosure. Will the clear coat stick to it?

Posted by nonost on Mar 07, 2018; 4:56pm
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Clear-coat-a-semi-mirror-finish-enclosure-Will-the-clear-coat-stick-to-it-tp41887p42070.html

That looks pretty pretty good to me. I've sprayed two coats of clear coat and it seems to have worked. Next time I will stop at higher grits like you do in order to get a smoother and cleaner surface.

I will post pictures though I not very happy with my glossy clear coats. If you look closely you can see like little holes and not a flat surface. Not actually holes but more like dimples. That's strange because I have no problems with matte and satinated finish, same brand.
