Posted by
balazs.bencs on
Mar 31, 2018; 6:17pm
Hey folks,
I started a new project, so I thought I'd show you the result. After building two tube amps, I needed a new challenge, so I thought: wouldn't it be cool to have a guitar that I put together so that I can kind of say that I have a signature guitar?!
So I started planning and planning, looking around for parts - I have a thing for Telecasters, so I wanted to build a Tele. First I got the neck from eBay, which is an Allparts neck. I heard good things about Allparts, so I thought what the hell, I'd go for it. I got an unfinished quartersawn roasted maple neck because I really think that's the heart and soul of a guitar and I really liked some guitars that had roasted necks.

Then I bought the Crimson guitars guitar finishing oil to seal the wood. They are selling the stuff on eBay, so it's really easy to buy and also they have like 4-5 videos on youtube on how to apply it (it's really easy). I applied 10-12 layers, and then it looked like this:

In the meantime, I had the guitar body ordered from Italy, from a guy called Mattia Franchin: really like solid colors, so I ordered a sonic blue body with a really light relic on it. Some people get offended by this, but what I like about this is that if I have a pretty guitar, I always care too much about the look of the guitar - I play with lots of energy on stage, I don't want to care about dings and dents on it.
It took 4-5 weeks till the body arrived, in the meantime, I kept applying layers of oil finish on the neck, and ordered the parts for it. It was not easy to get everything, cause I was really picky about parts - I wanted good quality hardware.

I was really worried about the neck joint, that is kind of important in a Fender style guitar. I was lucky, the neck was a very tight fit, I had to do just a little bit of sanding on the sides of the neck pocket. I put the bridge on and two strings to see if everything is straight, but everything was perfect.
Then I marked the holes and drilled by hand since I don't have a drill press, but since I was careful enough it worked great. Then I put copper shielding into the cavities, and started putting together the control plate, installed the tuners, it was basically some soldering from here on. It has a 4-way switch with a "humbucker"-ish setting and I also put a treble bleed mod on the volume pot, I do that on every guitar I have.
The result is:

The whole build was really easy, it took only a couple of hours to put together when I had all the parts on my desk.
Let me know what you think about it. Also, if you have a partscaster, show me yours.
Btw here comes the parts list, if you're interested:
Gotoh SD91-05M tuners
Graphtech nut
Wilkinson telecaster bridge
Seymour Duncan Vintage Broadcaster pickup set
CTS pots
Oak 4 way switch
Orange drop cap + treble bleed with a silver mica (john suhr type of treble bleed)
Switchcraft jack