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Re: Partscaster project

Posted by Muadzin on Mar 31, 2018; 11:31pm
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Partscaster-project-tp42448p42453.html

Welcome to the hobby! Beware though, building guitars is addictive. I'm currently working on number 8, very close to finishing it. The next step of course is to build your own parts. I quite like building my own guitar bodies, if uninterrupted by work I could probably make one in a couple of days. Necks take longer, although I prefer to still buy those. I have built my own necks but I still find them a pain in the ass to build. Hardest of all is the paint job. Mistakes can set you back so much time. You can fix them with proper sanding and repainting, but paint takes time to dry, even mistakes. Still, if you manage to make it look good you feel like a million bucks