Re: Partscaster project
Posted by balazs.bencs on Apr 04, 2018; 6:16am
As far as I remember it is 4 x 6L6GC tubes, summing up to like 85W power, am I right?
A 100W rated reactive load would be easily capable of handling a dimed Twin :)
Remember the JTM45 that I did? That amp is a 2xKT66 beast, which has around 36W of horsepower. I built a 50W/8ohm reactive load and that can easily handle the dimed JTM45 with no issues or anything - actually it sounds fantastic like that.
I don't really recommend taking out the tubes, cause a lot of things would change: Fewer tubes means less power eaten away, so the plate voltage would go up. That means the bias would go way off. In theory, it would still work I think, but the effect on the amp requires to measure bias and re-set it.
Taking one speaker out might work as well, but I'm not sure if that output transformer has other secondaries, there's only a 4ohm output isn't it? That is risky that the transformer is not seeing the correct impedance that it expects.
Is that Fender a silverface one? I had serviced a 72 Twin for the other band in our practice room and that amp sounds magic. I changed the caps in it, cause the caps were old (I think original caps) and started eating tubes for breakfast :) With Mallory 150 caps and some F&T filtering caps, that thing came to life.