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Re: Partscaster project

Posted by balazs.bencs on Apr 20, 2018; 9:55pm
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Partscaster-project-tp42448p42764.html

Here comes a little sound clip with the reactive load that I built:


It's funny, that all the gear that I used during the recording was mine that I put together. DIY rules.

I used the new Tele, into the Trex gristle king that I just built (I think it's phenomenal), into the JTM45 that I built, then the reactive load.

VST Plugin was the Pulse plugin, with one of the free Kalthallen Cabs IRs (http://cabs.kalthallen.de/).
Then it was rendered using the raw tracks, no EQ, compression or any magic on them, just the Pulse plugin.