Hyperion 2. Great but trebly/harsh at high fuzz settings
Posted by
nonost on
May 10, 2018; 6:13pm
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Hyperion-2-Great-but-trebly-harsh-at-high-fuzz-settings-tp42942.html
Hi guys. I've just built a
Hyperion 2 and I'm quite impressed. This thing has a lot of gain. The Intense pot is very interactive. It reminds me of the Voice pot in the Zendrive, since it increases gain and treble as you turn it clockwise. I really like that huge amount of fuzz but
I'm not completely happy with the lack of bass at higher settings. So I was wondering if any has tried other cap values in order to make it less trebly. I would change the input cap, but I'm not sure if changing just one is enough. If anyone has experimented or has any idea about what to do I would really appreciate some advice. I'd like to try.
BTW, I've tried a couple 2N2907 TO-92 and I liked more the
TO-18 (metal can). Here some pics if anyone is interested. It's unfinished, I have to decide the art/led...
The blue caps are
Epcos MKT and the big yellow one is a
Nichicon Foil Type Polyester Film(it looks like the ones used in the Boss SD-1 made in Japan time ago), which is quite expensive.

pd: As you can see I added a diode for polarity protection, I only lose 200mV. The pedal works exactly the same. I've even tried it with an almost dead battery (7.5v) and it worked surprisingly well.