Re: Hyperion 2. Great but trebly/harsh at high fuzz settings
Posted by
Fuzz Prince Of Bel Air on
May 11, 2018; 11:26am
The short answer is the circuit is simple enough for you to breadboard in 5-10 mins and hear for yourself.
But from my experience messing around on a breadboard with Devi's circuits, increasing the caps at input and between gain stages increases the volume, which increases the saturation, which increases the treble. i.e. Turning the 'Intensity' knob from zero you'll reach the stock maximum intensity at, say, 90% rotation, then surpass it at 100%.
Also, from running a Soda Meiser/Vintage Fuzz Master into Ableton and checking out the low end on EQ8's frequency spectrum, the 100nf caps let through enough low end and increasing the output cap's value makes very little-to-no difference.
My advice is if you want low end at the highest gain setting, don't try to increase the low end but instead
decrease the high end.
One way to do this is to put a cap to ground just before the output cap a la Devi's Dark Boost (which forms the first half of the Hyperion) to produce a low pass filter that'll
cut the high end. Throw a resistor between the cap and ground and you'll produce a low shelf that'll essentially
turn the high end down.

You can even combine the two by replacing R2 in the above schematic with a pot, allowing you to slowly decrease the high end via a shelf until resistance is zero and the low shelf has become a low pass.
Or put it on a switch—e.g. a SPDT between the resistor and ground. (No ground connection = no cut; ground connection = cut.)