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Re: Hyperion 2. Great but trebly/harsh at high fuzz settings

Posted by nonost on May 14, 2018; 4:36pm
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Hyperion-2-Great-but-trebly-harsh-at-high-fuzz-settings-tp42942p42975.html

Ey traktop! Rolling back a little bit the guitar volume is a quite smart way to go, but you lose some sustain and gain doing that. Anyway, after a while I've realized that you can have the best of both worlds with the pots cranked. This circuit is pretty sensitive to the pick attack, so when I want to play more that one string at the same time I hit the strings very carefully and I get all the bass back. That way I solve the problem.

To sum up: if you crank the intense pot you get a lot of gain and sustain when leading but when you hit a chord it can sound very thin and trebly. In order to solve that you can roll back a little bit the guitar volume(like traktop said) when not leading or hit the strings carefully.