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Re: Big Ear LOAF Fuzz

Posted by Travis on May 16, 2018; 9:40pm
URL: http://guitar-fx-layouts.238.s1.nabble.com/Big-Ear-LOAF-Fuzz-tp42974p43003.html

I don’t think the fact that Chong caps are sold at Tayda makes them any more reputable. Tayda generally sells the cheapest version of everything and frankly a lot of it is junk. I do not think of Tayda as a highly regarded dealer although their shipping and customer service is reliable.

With that said I do buy and use products from Tayda but I do it selectively

I have not had an issue with Chong caps personally, but yes this pedal is clearly built with the cheapest possible parts from Tayda and the build quality looks terrible. I have seen at least one instance of another builder needing to replace a Chong cap to fix their project so there seem to be problems out there but I haven’t had any happen to me yet