Re: Big Ear LOAF Fuzz
Posted by
rocket88 on
May 16, 2018; 9:46pm
This is way off topic from the request, but you’re not paying for the parts when you buy something like a handmade pedal, you’re paying for the time and expertise for it being built. If it takes you 10hrs to build a pedal start to finish, counting finishinf the enclosure, $50 for parts, and you sell it for $200 thats $15 an hour for your time. To put it in perspective its what minimum wage may soon become. That’s not unreasonable.
While I agree that there’s a lot of marketing out there without substance they name on the part doesn’t relate to quality. Like I said before, the value is what matters, and if can cost you 10 cents for a cap or $1 for a cap, same value and quality, meaning reliable and in spec, there’s no reason to spend 10x the money for the same thing because of the name.
Quality doesn’t mean more expensive. The problem isn’t with the cost of the parts that are used if they’re quality. The issue is over promising with underdelivering, rediculous obsession with name and mojo, and basically athing discusses about gear over on The Gear Page. The specific company you mentioned chargin $300 for a pedal was using FAKE parts not cheaper parts.